hi. in here <https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/ad...
# kubernetes
hi. in here https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/adopting/from_kubernetes/ it shows
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import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes";

// Deploy the latest version of the stable/wordpress chart.
const wordpress = new k8s.helm.v3.Chart("wpdev", {
    repo: "stable",
    chart: "wordpress",
    version: "9.0.3",

// Export the public IP for WordPress.
const frontend = wordpress.getResource("v1/Service", "wpdev-wordpress");
export const frontendIp = frontend.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip;
Is there a way to get this code to run as is or must it be modified with apply like so
Copy code
import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes";

// Deploy the latest version of the stable/wordpress chart.
const wordpress = new k8s.helm.v3.Chart("wpdev", {
    repo: "stable",
    chart: "wordpress",
    version: "9.0.3",

// Export the public IP for WordPress.
const frontend = wordpress.apply(wordpress => wordpress.getResource("v1/Service", "wpdev-wordpress"));
export const frontendIp = frontend.apply(frontend=>frontend.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip);