> Pulumi works well with modern “immutable infr...
# kubernetes
Pulumi works well with modern “immutable infrastructure” architectures, where bootstrapping and patching are unnecessary. In such cases, configuration management is not needed in the usual sense.
hi! how does immutable infra works with persistent storage in k8s? please see this example: i have deployed a statefulset application on k8s, whose pods and persistent volume live on a node(machine). now i am going to do some system update to that machine(node). for “immutable infrastructure”, it will destroy the old one, which will definitely leave my app in error state. i believe ppl who designed "immutable infra" already figured a elegant solution for the above. can someone share your thoughts here? thanks!
Ideally the volumes would not live on the nodes; they would be separate, but mounted to the nodes
For example, someone using AWS storageclasses with a statefulset would not need to care about the nodes, other than that enough of them exist to be able to schedule the pods
thanks for sharing your thoughts. in my case, the statefulset apps are deployed on a k8s cluster on bare metal, and it's latency sensitive, which means i can only use
(not remote storage)
i see. sounds like the immutable worker node pattern is not a good fit for your situation unless you can find a way to decouple the data from the nodes while maintaining acceptable latency