just curious, for ppl who use pulumi rke provider,...
# kubernetes
just curious, for ppl who use pulumi rke provider, if you update some config/parameter of a existing cluster, the cluster will get updated in place right? it won't be destroyed and recreated
... it depends. There might be some inputs that cause the cluster to be recreated, but it'll tell you that on preview
thanks for the info!
There is a ticket somewhere to show in the docs what causes a resource to be created. In the meantime, the TF provider code is one of the best resources (no pun intended) to check. I'll find an example and link to it
Here's an example: https://github.com/pulumi/terraform-provider-aws/blob/pulumi-master/aws/resource_aws_instance.go#L47 You can see that a change in the AMI causes an EC2 instance to be recreated.
thanks! i am also creating a new pulumi provider, this is very helpful.
a provider for what, if you don't mind me asking?
sure, i'd like to create a pulumi provider for oneandone, there is a existing tf provider but i have some issues when converting it to pulumi, see here. the tf provider: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-oneandone since it also provides a python sdk, i was considering to implement a new pulumi provider, but also has a issue, see here.