I have a situation I’m not quite sure what’s causi...
# kubernetes
I have a situation I’m not quite sure what’s causing it. I have the following update diff if I do preview/up:
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+-kubernetes:core/v1:Secret: (replace)
      ~ stringData: {
          ~ SYSTEM_TOKEN: "[secret]" => "[secret]"
In the code, the secret is created like this:
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		StringData: pulumi.StringMap{
			"SYSTEM_TOKEN":                 systemToken,
is defined like this:
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systemToken := pulumi.All(jwtKey.PrivateKeyPem).ApplyT(
		func(args []interface{}) (string, error) {
This would all make sense if there was an update in
, but there isn’t - that’s not one of the resources that Pulumi is saying requires an update. Any idea why this might be the case? How do I debug something like this?