Hi - I have a strange issue where by when a deploy...
# kubernetes
Hi - I have a strange issue where by when a deployment completes, the ingress temporarily returns 503 for services which are running - does anyone else see this? It clears after a few refreshes but that's obviously not ideal
Where are you deploying this to? (obviously k8s, but where is the cluster located)
my own servers
All I think of then is that the ingress is taking a little bit of time to find the services, and it's taking longer than the cluster is taking to switch out the containers
The reason I asked the deployment location is because I've seen this very occasionally when deploying to something behind AWS ALBs
does it matter that all of the ingress resources are in the ingress-nginx namespace and all of my services are in another? That's how it should work right?
yeah that's fine. That's how i've got some of mine setup
assume you have readiness probes and min availability etc. defined for your deployment? sounds like your backing endpoints might have no pods to map to.
👍 1
yep - liveness, readiness, rolling update strategy etc - still no dice