Okay, first pulumi experience, I have EKS building...
# kubernetes
Okay, first pulumi experience, I have EKS building with my index.ts, I wanted to also deploy a helm chart as part of my base platform IaC. Can
inherit the credentials for the cluster it built? How do I go from building the cluster to also deploying stuff to it? if I manually pull the kubeconfig (future will be oidc) and re-run
pulumi up
everything deploys fine. index.ts LINK
Hey Kathryn! Yes this is a common pattern 🙂 Your EKS resource outputs a
which can then be passed to your Kubernetes resources! https://github.com/pulumi/examples/blob/master/aws-ts-eks-hello-world/index.ts#L60 Your pass it to your resource via the helm chart's resource options, so in this case it'd be:
Copy code
const kongGateway = new k8s.helm.v3.Chart("gateway", {
  repo: "kong",
  chart: "kong",
  // TODO: tear down and change namespace to `kong`
  namespace: "default",
    repo: "<https://charts.konghq.com/>",
  values: {
    postgresql: {
      enabled: true,
providers: { kubernetes: cluster.provider } }
regarding your comment about the namespace, you can also create your namespace and pass that to your helm chart too: https://github.com/jaxxstorm/pulumi-examples/blob/main/typescript/digitalocean/kubernetes/index.ts#L44
awesome!!!!! giving this a go
I haven't actually tested the helm example, hopefully your IDE can help 😄
ha, just in vim for now. should switch over to VSCode
Okay, updated gist. Erroring out, but it's odd to me that it is, because it definitely did create the namespace. So the kubeconfig
cant be garbage. Unless I somehow created the namespace somewhere else after deploying this fresh cluster without remembering.
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<http://kongclusterplugins.configuration.konghq.com|kongclusterplugins.configuration.konghq.com> (kubernetes:<http://helm.sh/v3:Chart$kubernetes:apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1:CustomResourceDefinition|helm.sh/v3:Chart$kubernetes:apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1:CustomResourceDefinition>)
error: configured Kubernetes cluster is unreachable: unable to load Kubernetes client configuration from kubeconfig file: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable
If the cluster has been deleted, you can edit the pulumi state to remove this resource

default/gateway-kong (kubernetes:<http://helm.sh/v3:Chart$kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment|helm.sh/v3:Chart$kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment>)
error: configured Kubernetes cluster is unreachable: unable to load Kubernetes client configuration from kubeconfig file: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable
If the cluster has been deleted, you can edit the pulumi state to remove this resource

  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (KongOnEKS-KongOnEKS):
    W0729 22:20:38.072566    2219 loader.go:223] Config not found: /root/.kube/config
    error: update failed
Ah, the provider field on the helm chart is slightly different to kubernetes resources
looking back at it.
Notice the kubernetes map of the map here { providers: { kubernetes: provider } },
learning how to navigate docs still I suppose
ah, that's because the helm chart resource is a component resource, and the provider options goes on that
Success!!! Now on to learning how to create kubernetes secrets in pulumi before the helm chart deploys.
++ @billowy-army-68599 thank you!
Now on to learning how to create kubernetes secrets in pulumi before the helm chart deploys.
if you define a secret output as an input to the helm chart, this will happen automatically, similar to what you did with the namespace earlier
@busy-journalist-6936 once you have this all working, I'd be interested in helping you turn this into a component that other users can reuse, keep me updated!
I'm 100% on board with getting it mature enough for wider use. *disclaimer I work for Kong
excellent, once you're in a good place, DM me and we can chat more!
👍 1
@billowy-army-68599 do you have an example of that secret thing which would be equivalent to something like:
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kubectl create secret generic \
  kong-enterprise-license -n kong \
I can do
style instead and make the license part of pulumi config
Not to hand, but you should be able to use fs.readFileSync to read the file and then input it into stringData