hello does any one have experience Crossplane that...
# kubernetes
hello does any one have experience Crossplane that can share a comparison with Pulumi's CRD, Pulumi over HTTP, the Pulumi operator, and what not?
You probably already know more than I do on this topic but I’ll add some input anyway just in case. From what I understand it’s a lot like kubernetes, but instead of writing yaml for kubernetes resources you are writing it for infrastructure resources and then there are parts which ensure your infrastructure always matches those yaml descriptions. However yaml is not a real language and results in a lot of copy and paste and poor abstractions. Pulumi solves these problems for Kubernetes and perhaps it could solve the same problem for Crossplane. This way you still write your infrastructure in a good language and can use the advantages of crossplane to keep that infrastructure in sync. But I haven’t tried this so it may not work in practice 🤷
Hello @loud-helicopter-75345 here here to not codeing with markup/config files! WIth Crossplane you can define "meta" reaouces via yaml and provision those with k8s yaml. Crossplane works to keep it in sync so if something changed outside of the IaC then it gets put back right away. Creating a provider needs to be done in GoLang. So a Pulumi app could provision a Crosplane meta reasouces via the k8s or even helm providers and then leave it to Crossplane to keep it in order, but with Pulumi over HTTP and the operator, I kinda hopped that Pulumi could do the same as Crossplane.
Hmm, I hadn’t actually read up on the Operator. That does indeed sound similar. I’ll be honest in that I don’t know what you mean by “Pulumi over HTTP”.
The Pulumi Operator checks out code from git rather than provides custom APIs like Crossplane.