Since deploying the Datadog helm chart, I get the ...
# kubernetes
Since deploying the Datadog helm chart, I get the following
pulumi preview
diff even if nothing has changed. This ultimately causes my datadog pods to get recreated, which is not desirable. I am deploying to AKS K8s (1.21.2) using Pulumi 3.12.0
Copy code
pulumi:pulumi:Stack: (same)
          ~ spec: {
              ~ template: {
                  ~ metadata: {
                      ~ annotations: {
                          ~ checksum/clusteragent_token: "32a656c3c7aeb06e5c36xxx" => "8027d4026d2e72484f1xxx"
        +-kubernetes:core/v1:Secret: (replace)
          ~ data: {
        ~ kubernetes:apps/v1:DaemonSet: (update)
          ~ spec: {
              ~ template: {
                  ~ metadata: {
                      ~ annotations: {
                          ~ checksum/clusteragent_token: "bcc328b0b69baa07a7fae32a6baxxx" => "5200e78e7733904901f9511a094e8xxx"
    ~ 2 to update
    +-1 to replace
    3 changes. 103 unchanged
And the pruned logs from the
pulumi up
look like this:
Copy code
-- kubernetes:core/v1:Secret default/datadog-chart-cluster-agent deleting original 
 ~  kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment default/datadog-chart-cluster-agent updating [diff: ~spec]
 ~  kubernetes:apps/v1:DaemonSet default/datadog-chart updating [diff: ~spec]
 -- kubernetes:core/v1:Secret default/datadog-chart-cluster-agent deleting original 
 -- kubernetes:core/v1:Secret default/datadog-chart-cluster-agent deleted original
 ~  kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment default/datadog-chart-cluster-agent updating [diff: ~spec]; [1/2] Waiting for app ReplicaSet be marked available
 ~  kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment default/datadog-chart-cluster-agent updating [diff: ~spec]; Deployment initialization complete
 ~  kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment default/datadog-chart-cluster-agent updated [diff: ~spec]; Deployment initialization complete 
 ~  kubernetes:apps/v1:DaemonSet default/datadog-chart updated [diff: ~spec] 
 +- kubernetes:core/v1:Secret default/datadog-chart-cluster-agent replacing [diff: ~data];
 +- kubernetes:core/v1:Secret default/datadog-chart-cluster-agent replaced [diff: ~data]; 
 ++ kubernetes:core/v1:Secret default/datadog-chart-cluster-agent creating replacement [diff: ~data]; 
 ++ kubernetes:core/v1:Secret default/datadog-chart-cluster-agent creating replacement [diff: ~data]; 
 ++ kubernetes:core/v1:Secret default/datadog-chart-cluster-agent created replacement [diff: ~data];
Can someone help point me in the right direction?
My guess is there is something in the chart that is getting changed on every deployment, likely due to some hook
You should look at the Helm chart to see if there is a way to disable that part of it or tell it to skip hooks, and possibly do a transform on the Pulumi side
I suspect the
has a fixed name in the helm chart? The issue with
mentioned up above likely applies to
as well: When you use a fixed name for a
, Pulumi deletes and replaces it in order to force a recreation of pods that mount the secret in. If you can have Pulumi name the
for you, it will create a new secret, update the pods to depend on it, and perform a standard rollout.
Thanks for your responses. @bored-table-20691 I dont see any evidence of their being hooks or a way to disable them. Nothing specified in the readme or configuration. Is there somewhere else I could look to find this? @brave-ambulance-98491 I'm not specifying a
for Datadog, but these are created when deploying the chart:
Can you share a link to the chart a
FYI, how I'm deploying the chart:
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var datadogChart = new Chart("datadog-chart",
    new ChartArgs
        Chart = "datadog",
        Version = args.DatadogChartVersion,
        Namespace = "default",
        Values = new Dictionary<string, object>
            ["datadog"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                ["apiKey"] = args.DatadogApiKey,
                ["site"] = "<|>",
                ["logs"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                    ["enabled"] = true,
                    ["containerCollectAll"] = true
                ["kubelet"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                    ["tlsVerify"] = false
        FetchOptions = new ChartFetchArgs
            Repo = "<>"
    new ComponentResourceOptions
        Provider = provider,
Link corrected
# clusterAgent.token -- Cluster Agent token is a preshared key between node agents and cluster agent (autogenerated if empty, needs to be at least 32 characters a-zA-z) token: ""
This is the issue
Set a value there (you can use the random Pulumi provider)
Ok great, thanks. Let me try this. What do you mean by using a random Pulumi provider?
Yep exactly.
Sorry I'm on my phone so hard to link
No problem - appreciate the help! I will report back
@bored-table-20691 Thanks - this did work for me. I had to name my secret (which I believe makes it immutable) because otherwise the Datadog agent cannot find it. Pasting my code below for reference.
Copy code
var datadogChecksum = new RandomPassword("datadog-checksum-password", new RandomPasswordArgs
    Length = 32,
    Special = true

var secret = new Secret("datadog-checksum-secret", 
    new SecretArgs
        Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs()
            Name = "datadog-checksum-secret",
            Namespace = "default"
        StringData =  datadogChecksum
            .Apply(x => new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "token", x } })
    new CustomResourceOptions
        Provider = provider

// Datadog chart. <>
var datadogChart = new Chart("datadog-chart",
    new ChartArgs
        Chart = "datadog",
        Version = args.DatadogChartVersion,
        Namespace = "default",
        Values = new Dictionary<string, object>
            ["datadog"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                ["apiKey"] = args.DatadogApiKey,
                ["site"] = "<|>",
                ["logs"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                    ["enabled"] = true,
                    ["containerCollectAll"] = true
                ["kubelet"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                    ["tlsVerify"] = false // See: <>
            ["clusterAgent"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                ["tokenExistingSecret"] = "datadog-checksum-secret"
        FetchOptions = new ChartFetchArgs
            Repo = "<>"
    new ComponentResourceOptions
        Provider = provider,
        DependsOn = { aks, datadogChecksum }
Glad it worked out