<@U017TPA7FEW> I think there's an issue with the n...
# kubernetes
@sparse-park-68967 I think there's an issue with the new helm releases, their dependencies and uninstall / delete AFAICT, under the hood the call to helm uninstall does not wait, so dependencies do not unwind in the correct order. When this deletes a resource with a finalizer then other resources are orphaned and it cascades from there...
ah hmm that is a possibility. We have await for install but I can see that not being readily available in delete.
Can you file an issue? I will have some time to investigate tomorrow.
I'm installing helm releases using atomic, which implicitly means wait, then depend on the helm release resource elsewhere. Since the uninstall is implicit via destroy or similar then I guess it needs to track if there are dependencies and so run with wait. https://helm.sh/docs/helm/helm_uninstall/ https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/blob/1c718d14e762ab6661bd35f9de48ab5bbdd2130e/provider/pkg/provider/helm_release.go#L985
Sure, I'll create an issue.
I don't think we have an easy way to see dependency information at this level in the provider but it seems reasonable to make delete wait by default...
Or at least if skipAwait is false on the release resource, make uninstall await as well
I'm thinking the same thing, but atomic needs to be accounted for too since it implies wait.
(I'm currently only specifying the atomic option)