Moving it from <#C84L4E3N1|general> to <#CRFURDVQB...
# kubernetes
Moving it from #general to #kubernetes Does anyone know an example of installing and configuring kubernetes "cluster-autoscaler" to use ManagedNodeGroup with pulumi/eks and pulumi/kubernetesx?
I've done this with
, not
, and I don't have a ready example. Are you looking for code, or do you just have questions?
This is on my test branch so may disappear at some stage, and I'm not using pulumi/eks or pulumi/kubernetesx, but this may still be of interest: ā€¢ EksStack.cs#L206 ā€¢ K8sStack.cs#L567 (helm charts) ā€¢ K8sStack.cs#L554 (helm releases) Ideally I'd patch the node group asg tags for cluster autoscaler using a dynamic provider, but that's still not supported in dotnet/c#.
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@worried-city-86458 you can probably use the
resource to do this, similar mechanism to this:
@worried-city-86458 is my understanding here correct - 1. Set 2 tags on the asg group -
Copy code
"<|>" - "<nodeGroup.Name>"
"<|>" - "NoSchedule"
2. Create a new IAM role for autoscaler using
3. Deploy
helm chart with appropriate settings and passing the RoleArn to RBAC setting on the chart values.
@billowy-army-68599 Ah yes, I'm not sure why I didn't use that instead, I'll have to take another look. Also fwiw, you don't need to tag your subnets for the eks cluster any more.
yeah I wrote that yonks ago and just kept it around mainly in case I needed something like it in future šŸ˜„
You do need to tag subnets for aws load balancer controller though so that example will be useful to others using pulumi/eks
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@square-energy-17741 yes, the policy is for irsa (iam roles for service accounts); i.e. least privilege access to aws
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So are the only two steps is create a role with irsa policy and deploy the chart?
It depends. Read carefully.
tag is applied automatically by managed node group iirc However, if you're applying labels or taints to the node group (like I am here), then you should also apply hints via asg tags, i.e. step 1.
This works around until managed node groups eventually automatically apply tags for labels and taints
@billowy-army-68599 changed to use `Aws.AutoScaling.Tag`:
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// node group asg tags for cluster autoscaler; workaround <>
Logger.LogDebug("Creating node group asg tags");
managedNodeGroup.Resources.Apply(resources =>
    var asgNames = resources.SelectMany(resource => resource.AutoscalingGroups).Select(asg => asg.Name!).ToArray();
    foreach (var asgName in asgNames)
        new Tag($"{awsEksPrefix}-nodes-{nodeGroup.Name}-label",
            new TagArgs
                AutoscalingGroupName = asgName,
                TagDetails = new TagTagArgs
                    Key = "<|>",
                    Value = nodeGroup.Name,
                    PropagateAtLaunch = true
            new CustomResourceOptions { Provider = awsProvider });

        new Tag($"{awsEksPrefix}-nodes-{nodeGroup.Name}-taint",
            new TagArgs
                AutoscalingGroupName = asgName,
                TagDetails = new TagTagArgs
                    Key = "<|>",
                    Value = "NoSchedule",
                    PropagateAtLaunch = true
            new CustomResourceOptions { Provider = awsProvider });
    return resources;
I think the reason I avoided this was because it has to create the tags inside apply, but this is still much better that using the aws sdk directly.
looks great! sometimes inside an Apply isn't the worst option
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@worried-city-86458 @billowy-army-68599 Thank you for your help. I have been able to put together first working cut of code to setup autocluster on EKS using managedNodeGroup in Typescript -
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// Setup Kubernetes Autoscaler

const clusterOidcProvider = cluster.core.oidcProvider;
const clusterOidcProviderUrl = clusterOidcProvider.url;
const clusterOidcArn = clusterOidcProvider.arn;

const autoscalerAssumeRolePolicy = pulumi.all([clusterOidcProviderUrl, clusterOidcArn]).apply(([url, arn]) => aws.iam.getPolicyDocument({
  statements: [
      effect: 'Allow',
      principals: [
          identifiers: [arn],
          type: 'Federated'
      actions: ['sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity'],
      conditions: [
          test: 'StringEquals',
          values: ['system:serviceaccount:kube-system:autoscaler-aws-cluster-autoscaler'],
          variable: `${url}:sub`

const autoscalerRole = new aws.iam.Role('cluster-autoscaler', {
  assumeRolePolicy: autoscalerAssumeRolePolicy.json

const autoscalerPolicy = new aws.iam.Policy('autoscaler-policy', {
  description: pulumi.interpolate`Autoscaler policy for ${}`,
  policy: JSON.stringify({
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "*"

new aws.iam.RolePolicyAttachment('autoscaler-role-attach-policy', {
  policyArn: autoscalerPolicy.arn,

const autoscaler = new k8s.helm.v3.Chart('autoscaler', {
  namespace: kubeSystemNamespace,
  chart: 'cluster-autoscaler',
  fetchOpts: {
    repo: '<>'
  version: '9.10.7',
  values: {
    cloudProvider: 'aws',
    rbac: {
      serviceAccount: {
        annotations: {
          '<|>': autoscalerRole.arn
    awsRegion: config.get("aws.region"),
    autoDiscovery: {
      enabled: true,
}, {
  provider: cluster.provider,
  dependsOn: [cluster, metricsServerChart]
I hope it will prove helpful to others. And I welcome any feedback on the code, patterns or if I am doing anything wrong or wrong way.
looks great!
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