Has anyone faced issue with typescript `helm.v3.Re...
# kubernetes
Has anyone faced issue with typescript
not honoring
with certain charts. I have tried with
CLI and
and they both work correctly. This is happening with only certain Charts - • jx-git-operator from https://jenkins-x-charts.github.io/repocluster-autoscaler from https://kubernetes.github.io/autoscaler
I've had no problems with the very latest pulumi kubernetes for dotnet and installing cluster autoscaler when specifying
as the namespace
Copy code
// cluster autoscaler; <https://github.com/kubernetes/autoscaler>
Logger.LogDebug("Installing cluster autoscaler");
var clusterAutoscalerRole = new RoleX($"{k8sPrefix}-cluster-autoscaler",
    new RoleXArgs
        AssumeRolePolicy = IamHelpers.AssumeRoleForServiceAccount(oidcArn, oidcUrl, "kube-system", "cluster-autoscaler", awsProvider),
        InlinePolicies = { ["policy"] = ReadResource("ClusterAutoscalerPolicy.json") }
    new ComponentResourceOptions { Provider = awsProvider });

var clusterAutoscalerValues = Output.Tuple(clusterName, clusterAutoscalerRole.Arn).Apply(((string ClusterName, string RoleArn) tuple) =>
    new Dictionary<string, object>
        ["nameOverride"] = "cluster-autoscaler",
        ["kubeTargetVersionOverride"] = K8sConfig.Version,
        ["image"] = new
            tag = $"v{K8sConfig.Version}.0",
            pullPolicy = "IfNotPresent"
        ["priorityClassName"] = "system-cluster-critical",
        ["serviceMonitor"] = new
            enabled = true,
            @namespace = "kube-system",
            selector = new { }
        //["prometheusRule"] = new
        //    enabled = true,
        //    @namespace = "kube-system",
        //    rules = new[] { new { } }
        ["cloudProvider"] = "aws",
        ["autoDiscovery"] = new
            enabled = true,
            clusterName = tuple.ClusterName
        ["awsRegion"] = AwsConfig.Region,
        ["extraArgs"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
            ["v"] = 3,
            ["balance-similar-node-groups"] = true,
            ["expander"] = "least-waste",
            ["skip-nodes-with-local-storage"] = false,
            ["skip-nodes-with-system-pods"] = false
        ["podAnnotations"] = new Dictionary<string, string> { ["<http://cluster-autoscaler.kubernetes.io/safe-to-evict|cluster-autoscaler.kubernetes.io/safe-to-evict>"] = "false" },
        ["rbac"] = new { serviceAccount = new { annotations = new Dictionary<string, string> { ["<http://eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn|eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn>"] = tuple.RoleArn } } }
    }.ToDictionary()); // workaround <https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/8013>

new Release("cluster-autoscaler",
    new ReleaseArgs
        Namespace = "kube-system",
        Name = "cluster-autoscaler",
        RepositoryOpts = new RepositoryOptsArgs { Repo = "<https://kubernetes.github.io/autoscaler>" },
        Chart = "cluster-autoscaler",
        Version = K8sConfig.ClusterAutoscalerChartVersion,
        Values = clusterAutoscalerValues,
        Atomic = true
    new CustomResourceOptions { DependsOn = kubePrometheusStackCrds, Provider = k8sProvider });
If you look through the templates, the use of namespaces varies from: • {{ .Release.Namespace }} • {{ .Values.prometheusRule.namespace }} defaults to monitoring • {{ .Values.serviceMonitor.namespace }} defaults to monitoring • not specified But with my values above, and specifying the namespace to the helm release resource, everything is in my specified namespace.
(I prefer to keep prometheus operator resources like service monitors in the same namespace as the related resources)
@square-energy-17741 you will likely want to make sure you are running with the latest provider - 3.8.1
Thanks @sparse-park-68967 Using 3.8.1 fixed it
👍 1