Hi. Pulumi preview/up doesnt seem to recognise ch...
# kubernetes
Hi. Pulumi preview/up doesnt seem to recognise changes to the helm chart values data. I've tried setting
ReplaceOnChanges = { "*" }
but that doesn't seem to kick in either. See thread for the code. How should I go about this?
Copy code
var datadogChart = new Chart("datadog-helmchart",
    new ChartArgs
        Chart = ChartName,
        Version = args.ChartVersion,
        Namespace = args.Namespace,
        Values = new Dictionary<string, object>
            ["datadog"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                ["apiKey"] = args.ApiKey,
                ["site"] = "<http://datadoghq.eu|datadoghq.eu>",
                ["logs"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                    // Enable log collection
                    ["enabled"] = true,
                    ["containerCollectAll"] = true
                // :::::ADDING THIS::::::
                ["apm"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                    ["enabled"] = true, 
                ["kubelet"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                    ["tlsVerify"] = false
            ["clusterAgent"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                ["tokenExistingSecret"] = ChecksumSecretName
        FetchOptions = new ChartFetchArgs
            Repo = ChartRepository
    new ComponentResourceOptions
        Provider = options.Provider
        ReplaceOnChanges = { "*" },
can you try
instead? https://github.com/DataDog/helm-charts/blob/main/charts/datadog/values.yaml#L232
is deprecated and it might be broken in the chart. Does it work if you update existing values?
Thanks @billowy-army-68599 - let me give it a try
Changing the field to
doesnt indicate to Pulumi that the chart has changed. Any further help on this would be appreciated 🙂 How do I update helm chart config values so that Pulumi knows to update or recreate the chart?
if you have the full code I can try repro this tomorrow
Hey @billowy-army-68599 - unfortunately I dont have a full working solution for you, but here is the Datadog helm chart component resource that we're working with:
Copy code
public class DatadogChart : ComponentResource
    private const string ChartName = "datadog";

    private const string ChartRepository = "<https://helm.datadoghq.com>";

    private const string ChecksumSecretName = "datadog-checksum-secret";

    public DatadogChart(string name, DatadogChartArgs args, ComponentResourceOptions options)
        : base("datatooks-aks:charts:DatadogChart", name, options)
        var checksumPassword = new RandomPassword("datadog-checksum-password", new RandomPasswordArgs
            Length = 32,
            Special = true
        new CustomResourceOptions
            Parent = this,
            Aliases = { new Alias() { Name = "datadog-checksum-password" } }

        // We need to establish this in Pulumi otherwise it gets regenerated with each deployment, which redeploys the whole datadog chart.
        var secret = new Secret("datadog-checksum-secret",
            new SecretArgs
                Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs()
                    Name = ChecksumSecretName,
                    Namespace = args.Namespace
                StringData = checksumPassword
                    .Apply(x => new Dictionary<string, string>()
                        { "token", x }
            new CustomResourceOptions
                Provider = options.Provider,
                Parent = this,
                Aliases = { new Alias() { Name = "datadog-checksum-secret", NoParent = true } }

        // Datadog chart. <https://github.com/DataDog/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/datadog>
        var datadogChart = new Chart("datadog-helmchart",
            new ChartArgs
                Chart = ChartName,
                Version = args.ChartVersion,
                Namespace = args.Namespace,
                Values = new Dictionary<string, object>
                    // Chart values schema can be found here: <https://github.com/DataDog/helm-charts/blob/main/charts/datadog/values.yaml>
                    ["datadog"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                        ["apiKey"] = args.ApiKey,
                        ["site"] = "<http://datadoghq.eu|datadoghq.eu>",
                        ["logs"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                            // Enable log collection
                            ["enabled"] = true,
                            ["containerCollectAll"] = true
                        ["apm"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                            // Enable APM and tracing on port 8126
                            ["portEnabled"] = true, 
                        ["kubelet"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                            ["tlsVerify"] = false // See: <https://github.com/DataDog/integrations-core/issues/2582>
                    ["clusterAgent"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
                        ["tokenExistingSecret"] = ChecksumSecretName
                FetchOptions = new ChartFetchArgs
                    Repo = ChartRepository
            new ComponentResourceOptions
                Provider = options.Provider,
                DependsOn = { checksumPassword },
                ReplaceOnChanges = { "*" },
                Parent = this,
                Aliases = { new Alias() { Name = "datadog-chart" } }
✅ 1
@ancient-megabyte-79588 i managed to repro this, and then dug into why: it appears to be a bug in the helm chart. Nowhere outside the templates is that apm.PortEnabled uses, and it's actually set to true as a hardcoded value: https://github.com/DataDog/helm-charts/blob/e535f1d9f92c6bf5d406fbabef3aa353bafe812c/charts/datadog/templates/_container-trace-agent.yaml#L35 I'd recommend filing a bug upstream
Very nice find. Thanks for looking into this @billowy-army-68599
Im also not seeing the "legacy"
being used