Question for k8s folks at Pulumi. We have hit a we...
# kubernetes
Question for k8s folks at Pulumi. We have hit a weird bug with our loadbalancer controller. We were wondering if pulumi is waiting on the finalizer to completed the deleting of a resource?
Pulumi speaks to the API server and the API server won't return the response until the finalizers have passed
So if there's a finalizer, you’ll definitely be waiting
Perfect! That is what I wanted to hear!
@big-potato-91793 is this the aws load balancer controller? it's notorious for having issues with rule clean up on finalizer
Yes 😞
what exactly are you deleting when you run the delete? the ingress rule?
We have big cluster and multiples peoples can do stuff on it. We reproduced the error with helm. That create to put the controller in a stuck mode 😁