<@UB3BGTV63> I found some issues in you docs relat...
# aws
@white-balloon-205 I found some issues in you docs related to Route53 https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/nodejs/pulumi/aws/route53/#public-subdomain-zone This won’t actually work for several reasons. For starters the name used for
will contain autogenerated numbers. And the name for
will contain other auto generated numbers that won’t refer to the sub-hosted zone. The way to make it work is to use
key as the argument.
Thanks! Part of this was addressed with https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/pull/842 (and will roll out to docs once that is released), but you are tight that a similar fix may be needed for Zones. Will look into that.
@white-balloon-205 Is that fixed released yet?
I also noticed a slight UX failure in your UI. Deletion is too easy 🙂 maybe demand naming the stack or write delete, or do like Nintendo does, just block the delete button for a few seconds and confirm.
@white-balloon-205 Is that fixed released yet?
Deletion is too easy.
In which sense? Individual resource deletion? Or whole stack deletion? Are you skipping the preview? All of these should be prompting for confirmation.
From the UI clicking delete on a project
Oh nevermind
It’s on an empty stack
Sorry, my bad!
This is how it look(ed) like
Ahh - yes - that only works on empty stacks. But even then you are right that it is probably worth a confirmation.
@white-balloon-205 Anyway there is an another issue for the docs not related to the autonaming (That you are aware of) and that is then name of the record holding the nameservers needs to match the hosted zone subdomain.
In other words (assume with fixes in place)
Copy code
const devNs = new aws.route53.Record("dev-ns"
should be
Copy code
const devNs = new aws.route53.Record("dev"
Since the hosted zone is called dev. I am not 100% on this though.
I believe the changes in the PR above address this. The logical Pulumi name (the first argument you have above) doesn’t matter here - only the
It’s an AWS thing the name of the record has to match the subdomain used for hosted zones. You name it dev-ns while the subdomain is called dev.
But I might be wrong here, will test.
There are two names - the Pulumi logical name and the AWS physical name. The AWS name does have to match the domain - the Pulumi name can be anything you want it to be.
You sure? Tested earlier and unless the record containg the nameservers didn’t match the hosted zone it didn’t quite work. But it could just be dns propogation being delayed, I renamed it and it worked.
it’s an AWS thing. Not related to pulumi, just saying the docs might want to be aware of it, unless I am wrong. I am testing now though so will let you know.
@white-balloon-205 I was right. If the record name isn’t the same as the hosted zones subdomain then it doesn’t work - you’re docs wrong on that one (this isn’t related to the autogenerated names) the name of the record has to match (it’s an aws thing)
Got it - that makes sense - will see about fixing this in docs.