Hey. whenever i am trying to create a resource by ...
# aws
Hey. whenever i am trying to create a resource by
pulumi up
its creating resource in
pulumi cloud
instead of
aws cloud
Can you elaborate?
@gentle-diamond-70147: I want to create a resource ,
s3 bucket
in my aws account/cloud but when i do
pulumi up
its creating in https://app.pulumi.com/chetan-nandrajog/prosper-infra/dev/updates/4 , which is a pulumi cloud I can’t see s3 bucket being created in my aws account but i can see it in the above url
app.pulumi.com is not a cloud. It is the Pulumi Software as a Service that stores the state of your Pulumi application (the resource details) and provides team and collaboration features.
If your
completed successfully, then you should see the bucket in your AWS account.