:wave: hullo. i’d like to make some contribution’...
# aws
👋 hullo. i’d like to make some contribution’s to
for python. i didn’t see an issue raised about it; is this something that would be a ‘nice to have’?
Our current plan is to add support for "Multi-langauge libraries" over the next few months. This will allow sharing a single implementation of a library across all Pulumi languages (instead of rewriting every library N times). This work is tracked in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/2430 and https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pull/3711. As a result, we hope that we won't have to just hand port this library to Python. That said - we don't want perfect to be enemy of the good - so if there is interest in working on a Python port in parallel - we would be happy to come up with a plan to enable that!
ahh interesting. let me go over these. that said, i’d probably be interested as long as i wasn’t moving in a counter-productive direction to yall.
This is pretty interesting. I havent taken a dive into the code changes but the pattern is…unique. using nodejs as an interop language? so, execute python which in turn will execute node which will deploy your stacks.
In the general case - this will allow authoring a library in any language and consuming from all other languages. We are starting with a single authoring language - but the pattern should generalize. The shared layer will be a formalized Pulumi resource model that is cross-language interoperable.
im intrigued. is the only working proto of
Yes - and even that is very much work in progress. This isn't really ready yet for consumption, but is the direction we're investing in to solve this general problem more deeply.