Hi there, Does anyone of you know a way to inject ...
# aws
Hi there, Does anyone of you know a way to inject a config file in a container deployed through fargate/ecs ? Like a k8s configmap.
there's nothing specifically like a configmap in ECS/Fargate, sadly. Closest I've been able to get is a Secret that has key/value pairs in it.
That’s what I was going to conclude given all the research I’ve made.. I have complex config files that I definitely can’t translate to some key/value secret pairs. Will try with eks fargate then if there’s no other easiest way. Thanks @rhythmic-camera-25993
good luck! configmaps are definitely a weak point in fargate from what I can see, and are one of the things pushing me ever so slightly to k8s over fargate. I was trying to stay in fargate/ecs as much as possible to limit the number of concepts I had to teach to the rest of the team, but the more issues like this I find the more the wide capabilities of k8s start to look appealing...
Yes, totally agree!
If your workload isn’t stateful the EKS fargate integration is pretty nice.
wait, I can let fargate act as my NodePools in a k8s cluster now?
oh this is really nice. and the profiles let me tie IAM roles/policies to the containers in a namespace.....this is potentially very interesting
that’s what I’m going to try as an alternative
in this way it looks like you could use k8s namespaces not just for network-level isolation between k8s nodes, but coupled with per-namespace fargate profiles effectively isolate access to aws resources using policies
that's super exciting
ECS “ConfigMaps” are on AWS' `container-roadmap`, status “We’re Working On It”.
👌 2