I am trying to set up AWS Fargate using Pulumi wit...
# aws
I am trying to set up AWS Fargate using Pulumi with a simple flask python app where Dockerfile exposes port 8000, now in the example I could see tht port 80 is mapped in load balancer and later on in taskDefinitionArgs, but how to point it to 8000? I tried this, but doesnt work
// Step 4: Create a Fargate service task that can scale out.
const appService = new awsx.ecs.FargateService("app-svc", {
taskDefinitionArgs: {
container: {
image: img,
cpu: 102 /*10% of 1024*/,
memory: 50 /*MB*/,
portMappings: [{ containerPort: 8000, }],
desiredCount: 5,