hey all, I think I might be hitting some version o...
# aws
hey all, I think I might be hitting some version of this https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/issues/814 -
pulumi up
is now stuck hanging for me, and I’m not quite sure what changed. is there some way to get out of this state?
pulumi up --logtostderr -v=9
Copy code
I0527 19:44:28.526972   46303 eventsink.go:59] Ignoring AWS metadata API endpoint at default location as it doesn't return any instance-id
I0527 19:44:28.526989   46303 eventsink.go:62] eventSink::Debug(<{%reset%}>Ignoring AWS metadata API endpoint at default location as it doesn't return any instance-id<{%reset%}>)
I0527 19:44:28.527333   46303 eventsink.go:59] AWS Auth provider used: "EnvProvider"
I0527 19:44:28.527344   46303 eventsink.go:62] eventSink::Debug(<{%reset%}>AWS Auth provider used: "EnvProvider"<{%reset%}>)
I0527 19:44:28.527823   46303 eventsink.go:59] Trying to get account information via sts:GetCallerIdentity
I0527 19:44:28.527832   46303 eventsink.go:62] eventSink::Debug(<{%reset%}>Trying to get account information via sts:GetCallerIdentity<{%reset%}>)
I0527 19:44:28.538582   46303 eventsink.go:59] Ignoring AWS metadata API endpoint at default location as it doesn't return any instance-id
I0527 19:44:28.538599   46303 eventsink.go:62] eventSink::Debug(<{%reset%}>Ignoring AWS metadata API endpoint at default location as it doesn't return any instance-id<{%reset%}>)
I0527 19:44:28.538994   46303 eventsink.go:59] AWS Auth provider used: "EnvProvider"
I0527 19:44:28.539003   46303 eventsink.go:62] eventSink::Debug(<{%reset%}>AWS Auth provider used: "EnvProvider"<{%reset%}>)
I0527 19:44:28.539355   46303 eventsink.go:59] Trying to get account information via sts:GetCallerIdentity
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack  elementl-dev  running..
I0527 19:44:29.016275   46303 eventsink.go:59] Trying to get account information via sts:GetCallerIdentity
I0527 19:44:29.016311   46303 eventsink.go:62] eventSink::Debug(<{%reset%}>Trying to get account information via sts:GetCallerIdentity<{%reset%}>)
I0527 19:44:29.080942   46303 eventsink.go:59] Trying to get account information via sts:GetCallerIdentity
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack  elementl-dev  running
Are you using temporary credentials? You might try
pulumi config set aws:skipRequestingAccountId true
pulumi config set aws:skipCredentialsValidation true
(from https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/cloud-providers/aws/#configuration) to see if you get different behavior. That's not necessarily a fix, but might help troubleshoot it.
hey @gentle-diamond-70147 thanks - no dice, I tried adding those - same behavior
although I have the 2.x pulumi CLI, we are also on an ancient 0.x version of pulumi and pulumi-aws, which could be a factor? I’m not quite sure how we can safely incrementally move forward
strangely, it seems that downgrading node back to v10.17.0 has resolved this
pulumi up
issue for now