I’m working to get currently provisioned infrastru...
# aws
I’m working to get currently provisioned infrastructure into Pulumi. Trying to figure out what id to use to import Route53 Records?
Located this, think it’ll get me where I need to go https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/issues/823
👍 1
@loud-battery-37784 I'm looking to import Route53 into Pulumi as well. If you have any tips/example code that would be appreciated.
I don’t have any code public though would be happy to share. The key to importing I found here: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/route53_record#import
Route53 Records can be imported using ID of the record. The ID is made up as ZONEID_RECORDNAME_TYPE_SET-IDENTIFIER
Once you have the proper ID Pulumi will tell you how your import differs from what is on AWS already which gave me enough to complete my Route53 imports.