Hi, That’s not a pulumi question per se, but we ha...
# aws
Hi, That’s not a pulumi question per se, but we have an aws role issue when creating an EKS cluster. It seems bound to the person creating it (or the aws credentials used by the pulumi aws provider). If someone else tries to interact with it (doing an
aws eks update-kubeconfig
then a
) even with aws administrator permissions, we get an Unauthorized error. How would one properly provision an EKS Cluster with pulumi, with the right role(s)/provider, so that team members can interact afterward on it with
without getting an error ?
Ok, found it. If anyone is having the same question: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/add-user-role.html I’ll update once I have the
code corresponding
Ok, there’s a
argument in the
component. That was easier than what I thought 😅 Hope this will help someone else.
👍 2