when a security group is altered it triggers a β€œre...
# aws
when a security group is altered it triggers a β€œreplace” operation β€” but the delete fails if the security group is being used by other resources (AWS does not allow you to delete a security group that is in use) Is there a workaround for this? cc @dazzling-memory-8548
how are you defining your security group, could you share some example code (I have a theory, but want to see some code before I answer πŸ™‚ )
If, for example,
is updated β€” pulumi attempts a β€œreplace” which gets the AWS error I mentioned.
ah, i was hoping it was just the rules. Unfortunately I don't know of a way around this, it's a limitation of the AWS API. There's no
operation for the description, so it has to do a destroy -> recreate.
well, more accurately, there's no API for
, only update the rules
right. makes sense. is there anything Pulumi can do to assist with the dependency unhooking? or do you just have to remember to do that?
are all the resources in the same stack?
more I think about it, more I'm not sure. gonna try run a test to see if I can get a better result
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I'm guessing in your example, you have an ALB and a security group?
okay, just tried this and it seemed to create the new security group and then updated the ALB after it was created:
Copy code
Previewing update (production):
     Type                      Name               Plan        Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack       alb.go-production
 +-  β”œβ”€ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup  web                replace     [diff: ~description]
 ~   └─ aws:lb:LoadBalancer    web                update      [diff: ~securityGroups]
 +-     β”œβ”€ aws:lb:Listener     http               replace     [diff: ~loadBalancerArn]
 +-     └─ aws:lb:Listener     https              replace     [diff: ~loadBalancerArn]

  ~ arn             : "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:616138583583:loadbalancer/app/web-d3c3708/174d37cd98d1a211" => output<string>
  ~ dnsName         : "<http://web-d3c3708-2004262507.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com|web-d3c3708-2004262507.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com>" => output<string>
  ~ httpListenerArn : "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:616138583583:listener/app/web-d3c3708/174d37cd98d1a211/ea06334532a1400e" => output<string>
  ~ httpsListenerArn: "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:616138583583:listener/app/web-d3c3708/174d37cd98d1a211/d8a76ae6ce07a486" => output<string>

    ~ 1 to update
    +-3 to replace
    4 changes. 1 unchanged

Do you want to perform this update? yes
Updating (production):
     Type                      Name               Status       Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack       alb.go-production
 +-  β”œβ”€ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup  web                replaced     [diff: ~description]
 ~   └─ aws:lb:LoadBalancer    web                updated      [diff: ~securityGroups]

    arn             : "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:616138583583:loadbalancer/app/web-d3c3708/174d37cd98d1a211"
    dnsName         : "<http://web-d3c3708-2004262507.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com|web-d3c3708-2004262507.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com>"
    httpListenerArn : "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:616138583583:listener/app/web-d3c3708/174d37cd98d1a211/ea06334532a1400e"
    httpsListenerArn: "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:616138583583:listener/app/web-d3c3708/174d37cd98d1a211/d8a76ae6ce07a486"

    ~ 1 updated
    +-1 replaced
    2 changes. 3 unchanged
can you share more code, trying to repro
@billowy-army-68599 my colleague is going to tag in here shortly
@billowy-army-68599, thanks for looking into this. Though I am assuming the alb has the same problem (I can test in our env shortly), we actually tripped over this scenario when using a security group as part of an ecs service. When it's defined along the lines of this, any changes to
attempt a recreation which fails due to the ecs association. The stack continues to try to replay the delete until we manually intervene.
Copy code
new aws.ecs.Service("service", {
    cluster: cluster.id,
    desiredCount: 1,
    launchType: "FARGATE",
    networkConfiguration: {
        assignPublicIp: false,
        securityGroups: [MySecurityGroup.id],
        subnets: [privateSubnets["az0"].id, privateSubnets["az1"].id],
    taskDefinition: myTaskDefinition.arn,
ah okay, will give it a try on an ECS cluster too
okay, similar story with this ECS service + Securitygroup, so it's definitely possible:
Copy code
Do you want to perform this update? yes
Updating (production):
     Type                      Name                   Status       Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack       grafana.go-production
 +-  β”œβ”€ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup  grafana                replaced     [diff: ~description]
 ~   └─ aws:ecs:Service        grafana                updated      [diff: ~networkConfiguration]

    address: "grafana.aws.briggs.work"

    ~ 1 updated
    +-1 replaced
    2 changes. 6 unchanged

Duration: 7m36s
@dazzling-memory-8548 what error does it throw? what version of pulumi + the provider are you using?
@billowy-army-68599 I was getting
Error deleting security group: DependencyViolation: resource sg-XXXXXX has a dependent object status code: 400
on pulumi v2.6.1 + \@pulumi/aws 2.13.0. However, I'm testing now in a fresh env with ecs, and I'm unable to reproduce there or with an alb. It must be some unrelated factor. Sorry to waste your time; I'll update with additional detail if I see it happen again. I appreciate the help.
not a waste at all, glad it was resolved!
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