And second one - I cannot create security groups w...
# aws
And second one - I cannot create security groups with error:
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  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (ss-servers-staging):
    error: update failed

  aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule (EcsSecurityGroupHTTPinbound):
    error: [WARN] A duplicate Security Group rule was found on (sg-0d4217ba67f301afc). This may be
    a side effect of a now-fixed Terraform issue causing two security groups with
    identical attributes but different source_security_group_ids to overwrite each
    other in the state. See <> for more
    information and instructions for recovery. Error message: the specified rule "peer:, TCP, from port: 80, to port: 80, ALLOW" already exists
I see issue , but I still have no idea how to solve this or find workaround.
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export const createSecurityGroup = (name: string): awsx.ec2.SecurityGroup => new awsx.ec2
  .SecurityGroup(`${ name }-${ env }-sg`, {
    description: 'EcsSecurityGroup',
    ingress: [
        fromPort: 80,
        toPort: 80,
        protocol: 'tcp',
        cidrBlocks: [ '' ],
        description: 'EcsSecurityGroupHTTPinbound'
        fromPort: 22,
        toPort: 22,
        protocol: 'tcp',
        cidrBlocks: [ '' ],
        description: 'EcsSecurityGroupSSHinbound'
        fromPort: 443,
        toPort: 443,
        protocol: 'tcp',
        cidrBlocks: [ '' ],
        description: 'ALBSecurityGroupInHttpsWorld'
        fromPort: 31000,
        toPort: 61000,
        protocol: 'tcp',
        cidrBlocks: [ '' ],
        description: 'EcsSecurityGroupALBports'
      { fromPort: 80, toPort: 80, protocol: 'tcp', self: true, description: 'EcsSecurityGroupInHttpAuthProxy' },
      { fromPort: 443, toPort: 443, protocol: 'tcp', self: true, description: 'EcsSecurityGroupInHttpsAuthProxy' },
I use this to solve that type of problem: