What would be reasons for 'pulumi up' to keep upda...
# aws
What would be reasons for 'pulumi up' to keep updating lambdas because of code changes even though they weren't changed manually?
I am actually trying to figure this out too. Every-time I package it the package zip differs. So far the route I took was, maybe my build servers are different so I stood up a single build server to test. Same result. Next I am packaging locally calulating the MD5 and it differs so right now I am trying to track down why when packaging there are changes causing hash differences
this didn't use to happen in general, pulumi has been really good at detecting changes - only started happening recently, which is interesting. I'll try and export stacks and look at diffs, perhaps that'll reveal something?
I know md5'ing. the package really isn't an apples to apples test, but even so it should match, if there were no changes is my thought process.
do you use webpack when compiling the lambdas? My only thought there is that if you change code that gets compiled into each lambda, that might be it…?
no, but i did rename the index.js into .ts at one point - there's no launch file or tsconfig - but it may be that VSCode is making assumptions from the past - I'll check this theory - it sounds very plausible
yeah i use webpack, and i know that when i bundle some new code, it’ll update any lambdas using that code…