Using Go I'm trying to create a new Lambda functio...
# aws
Using Go I'm trying to create a new Lambda function and I've specified the required handler, role and runtime but I keep getting
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aws:lambda:Function (my-lambda):
    error: Preview failed: required configuration keys were missing
After adding a name (that I'm assuming maps to the required function_name) still no dice. Next trying to add a local archive using the code field still nothing. I've looked at AWS docs, Pulumi docs, docs, Terraform docs and source but have been unable to figure it out. What am I missing?
You need to set your aws region, this is not a good error message I’ll agree
pulumi config set aws:region
I know where this part of the code is - I will open an issue to improvie the error message
Thank you!
That was it, thanks! Adding the keys as suggested in the issue sounds like a great idea. It would've definitely helped.