I'm going to restate my question from above becaus...
# aws
I'm going to restate my question from above because it might have been confusing... Using Typescript and
import * as eks from "@pulumi/eks";
but can also import others like aws/awsx. If I create an EKS cluster and then create a node group with the cluster's
function, it generates an Auto Scaling Group (ASG) to manage the number of instances in the cluster. I would like to set some properties of the ASG such as enabledMetrics, but I am uncertain how to access the ASG that got created. The node group does have a property named
, so I should be able to access it as an output but I am not sure how.
function is a helper function to make creating the groups easier, we don't expose all the options from the cloudformation stack or the autoscaling group there. If you want to do this, you'll unfortunately have to manually create the autoscaling group and set it there. You'll need to join the nodes to your EKS cluster using user data, like this: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-eks/blob/b087075c833a0f60243cf3ef064f28c22690e881/nodejs/eks/nodegroup.ts#L454
@billowy-army-68599 Thanks. Since the
is exposed as a property of the node group, is it possible use that and a
function to get a reference to that object and then modify settings?
no, that's not possible unfortunately
@billowy-army-68599 I appreciate your quick responses. Can I put in an enhancement request for that? It would be nice to use that function to pass valid ASG properties rather than managing my own ASG.
yes, please do, we'll triage it as necessary
Thank you @billowy-army-68599. I have created Issue 1183.