Hi all, when I create an eks cluster in a non-defa...
# aws
Hi all, when I create an eks cluster in a non-default VPC using the crosswalk library it fails because the security groups are still being created in the default VPC. Is this a bug or am I not configuring something I should have?
Can you share some code please? That sounds like a bug but want to check first
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constructor(name: string, args: ClusterArgs) {
        super("tetrate:aws:eks", name)
        this.name = name
        const roles = this.createNodeGroupRoles(args.nodeGroups)
        this.eksCluster = new eks.Cluster(name, {
            version: args.version,
            vpcId: args.vpcId,
            publicSubnetIds: args.publicSubnetIds,
            privateSubnetIds: args.privateSubnetIds,
            enabledClusterLogTypes: ["api", "audit", "authenticator", "controllerManager", "scheduler"],
            createOidcProvider: true,
            skipDefaultNodeGroup: true,
            instanceRoles: roles,
        },{parent: this})
        this.createNodeGroups(args.nodeGroups, roles)
And that's from a custom resource you're using?
yes (well component)
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aws:eks:Cluster (cloudops-eksCluster):
    error: 1 error occurred:
    	* error creating EKS Cluster (cloudops-eksCluster-ff5ae24): InvalidParameterException: Security group(s) [sg-xxx] are not in the same VPC as the subnets. Please specify a security group that is associated with the VPC: vpc-xxx.
      RespMetadata: {
        StatusCode: 400,
        RequestID: "be90565c-6cda-4e87-9d56-d86e32600c4d"
      ClusterName: "cloudops-eksCluster-ff5ae24",
      Message_: "Security group(s) [sg-xxx] are not in the same VPC as the subnets. Please specify a security group that is associated with the VPC: vpc-xxx."
Can email some more code over to support@pulumi.com? It'll be useful to see how you're calling the component in the surrounding code
happy to post it here, it's not that large yet
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const networkStack = new pulumi.StackReference("aws.network.global")
const vpc = (networkStack.requireOutput("cloudops") as pulumi.Output<VpcImport>)
const eksCluster = new Eks("cloudops", {
    version: "1.18",
    vpcId: vpc.id,
    publicSubnetIds: vpc.publicSubnetIds,
    privateSubnetIds: vpc.privateSubnetIds,
that should be enough... thanks
this is the project index.ts (minus the imports)
version is
"@pulumi/eks": "^0.21.0",
Are you actually creating security groups as resources or are you letting the crosswalk library create them for you?
letting the cw do it for me
I'm pretty sure I could fix it by creating them myself
in the aws.network.global stack?
no that stack just creates vpc + subnets
its basically just the awsx vpc class
all it does is provice the vpcIds and subnetIds for cluster creation
the export is...
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get output(): VpcExport {
        return {
            vpcId: this.id,
            publicSubnetIds: this.publicSubnetIds,
            privateSubnetIds: this.privateSubnetIds,
            isolatedSubnetIds: this.isolatedSubnetIds,
            internetGatewayId: this.internetGateway.then((igw) => {return igw?.internetGateway.id}),
            natGatewayIds: this.natGateways.then((natgws) => {return natgws.map((natgw) => {return natgw.natGateway.id})})
Yeah that's odd because you're not really doing anything too complicated. Let me go and mess around a bit and get back to you
yeah its a rewrite from go so is really barebones atm
So I think that it's because you're exporting the id into a
property but when you pass in the argument you're passing it in as
. Can you do an export of the vpc object before you initialise the cluster... so something like this:
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const networkStack = new pulumi.StackReference("aws.network.global")
const vpc = (networkStack.requireOutput("cloudops") as pulumi.Output<VpcImport>)

export const clusterVpc = vpc;

const eksCluster = new Eks("cloudops", {
    version: "1.18",
    vpcId: vpc.id,
    publicSubnetIds: vpc.publicSubnetIds,
    privateSubnetIds: vpc.privateSubnetIds,
same problem
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+ clusterVpc: {
      + internetGatewayId: "igw-0f295e01a8f642779"
      + isolatedSubnetIds: [
      +     [0]: "subnet-0e380d25a405c9d29"
      +     [1]: "subnet-0add20b1f6e3c152d"
      +     [2]: "subnet-0a1593001387e5003"
      + natGatewayIds    : [
      +     [0]: "nat-0c90334400f5f0829"
      +     [1]: "nat-0d73b08c5793a0d40"
      +     [2]: "nat-0aa02eb6feb839121"
      + privateSubnetIds : [
      +     [0]: "subnet-065c56466b6531f31"
      +     [1]: "subnet-0bf778d758cc65322"
      +     [2]: "subnet-0fb73ccbf5f130d85"
      + publicSubnetIds  : [
      +     [0]: "subnet-0cb9dea16c8c7f43f"
      +     [1]: "subnet-016267fc4f9031836"
      +     [2]: "subnet-07292ebfa06a1384f"
      + vpcId            : "vpc-xxx"
was your theory that the vpcID isnt set so the cluster was getting the vpc from the subnets but the sg didn't?
ok, can you update how you're calling the Eks class to this:
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const eksCluster = new Eks("cloudops", {
    version: "1.18",
    vpcId: vpc.vpcId,
    publicSubnetIds: vpc.publicSubnetIds,
    privateSubnetIds: vpc.privateSubnetIds,
ah, I see what you're getting at
pesky loose typing in outputs... 🙂
let me verify it works
so I suspect that it's passing the public and private subnet ids, but because vpc.id doesn't exist it's falling back to the default vpc
🤦 Yup, that appears to have fixed it. Thanks for your help!
that's ok
Glad we got it working 😄
the perils of a bolted-on type system 😬
FYI, I've just managed to reproduce it like this:
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import * as awsx from "@pulumi/awsx";
import * as eks from "@pulumi/eks";

const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc("vpc", {
    subnets: [{type: "private"}, {type: "public"}],
    numberOfAvailabilityZones: 2

const cluster = new eks.Cluster("cluster", {
    version: "1.18",
    publicSubnetIds: vpc.publicSubnetIds,
    privateSubnetIds: vpc.privateSubnetIds,
    enabledClusterLogTypes: ["api", "audit", "authenticator", "controllerManager", "scheduler"],
    createOidcProvider: true,
    skipDefaultNodeGroup: true,
(so not passing in the id of the VPC I created)