did the aws stuff change so that creating a provid...
# aws
did the aws stuff change so that creating a provider no longer uses the like "default" stuff? i now get this error when trying to create a provider in another region:
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providerCredentialOpts and an AWS provider instance must be set together
i very much want to not configure the auth options for the provider, just like is the case for the default aws provider
hey, i think you're getting this from the EKS provider, right?
or is it the pure aws provider?
hard to say, but it's possible:
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Error: providerCredentialOpts and an AWS provider instance must be set together
        at new Cluster (/home/chuck/le-codes/test-asp-pulumi-front/node_modules/@pulumi/cluster.ts:1382:19)
yeah it's from the EKS provider, can you share your code? are you using the
environment variable?
i can but it's a lot of code. i am not using
(because i am using the
i can see i am getting 403 errors from sts, which doesn't really make sense.
ah, i see. i was using a different profile before and that's baked into the state file.
that's likely it
yeah, that seems to be the issue. thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
well, i still have that issue on newer versions, but it works with older versions. good enough for me.