Is it possible to add `deleteBeforeReplace: true` ...
# aws
Is it possible to add 
deleteBeforeReplace: true
 to an API Gateway deployment created via Crosswalk? Don’t see it as possible via 
the API gateway is part of a Pulumi component resources, so you don't have direct access to the resource properties. You can do it via a transformation: Is there a reason you want to do this? it could create outages
Yeah, ran into a problem where turning off Lambda auto-naming w/ Crosswalk gives us
Active stages pointing to this deployment must be moved or deleted
So we don’t really know how to proceed
that's part of the reason auto-naming is enabled by default. is there a use case for turning it off on the lambda?
We have a few internal reasons for doing so, nothing very interesting tbh. 😄
But yeah, when using Crosswalk, autonaming is a must I suppose?
it's not necessarily a crosswalk thing, it's designed to work about these situations where the AWS resource is immutable. we build it into Pulumi for this reason
Right, gotcha. I’ll see what we can do. Appreciate the insight.