Hello! Any tips on how to get pulumi "unstuck"? I'...
# aws
Hello! Any tips on how to get pulumi "unstuck"? I'm trying to make a refresh to make sure everything is up to date before doing an update on the stack (AWS), but the refresh operation gets stuck, with the last line in the log (running
pulumi refresh --skip-preview --logtostderr -v=9 2> pulumi_out.log --tracing=file:./up.trace
) being:
Copy code
I0303 15:51:37.212112    4505 snapshot.go:437] SnapshotManager: refreshSnapshotMutation.End(..., true)
Nvm, i had forgotten to update aws credentials and start docker daemon on the background. I wish pulumi would warn about such things
Would you mind raising an issue in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues - it does feel like something we should warn about