I saw a mention of the automation API in the above...
# aws
I saw a mention of the automation API in the above thread and it has me wondering if I could use it for post-provisioning tasks on EC2 instances (i.e. a replacement for userData)? @brave-planet-10645 if you have any input on this I'd love to hear it
I guess it probably depends on what is in the userData right now. I think it would probably be difficult to use Node to mount volumes, create filesystems, etc
It's not automation api, but we have this example of doing provisioning https://github.com/pulumi/examples/tree/master/aws-ts-ec2-provisioners
Thanks Piers!
The AWS-native alternative is SSM. automation-api could easily orchestrate provisioning, by doing the provisioning work after awaiting the
. Could even call out to Chef, Ansible, DSC, etc.