Hi, I just ran a pulumi up that reported that it s...
# aws
Hi, I just ran a pulumi up that reported that it succeeded, but one resource in the stack was not created. I never got an error at any point, and it wasn't until a test ran later that I caught it at all. A pulumi preview --refresh showed that the resource needed to be created. This is the second time I've encountered this with Pulumi. I don't remember what the resource was the first time (I think it was a VPC SG, but I'm not sure). This time it was an alb listener rule. Is there some setting to make pulumi more sensitive to these failures?
Did the up say it had been created, or did it entirely "miss" that it needed to be created?
It said it had been created
Copy code
+  aws:elasticloadbalancingv2:ListenerRule prod-web-listener-rule created
ListenerRules aren't heavyweight.. it should create it immediately... odd.
As to your question: no, other than increasing the log level (e.g.
) I don't think there's a way to be "more aware" of provisioning failures.
It's troubling--if the resource isn't there I'd expect to get a failure.
Yep. There are some sorts of resources where I accept that the request to create can be successful, and the actual creation might take a while and later be unsuccessful.. that's just clouds for you..
Yeah, I suppose, to a point. Although, the way CF handles that is to have a long poller for status
If you're counting on your deployment status for CI/CD, you'd hope there'd be a stronger guarentee
Could you cut a ticket with the details? As close a representation of your code as is possible would be great.