the stack is brand new and she's using the pulumi ...
# aws
the stack is brand new and she's using the pulumi built for M1 ... No idea why is tying to load that version of the plugin. In other stacks we are on 3.34.1. I solved this for another engineer by changing the version in the json in the state .. but here I am stuck as there's no state yet. Thanks
Are you sharing any code that might be referencing that version?
I don't think so. How could I check that? We did grep for 3.31 and 3_31 in the root of the git repo but nothing there
What language are you using?
Ok so take a look in your package-lock.json to start with
definitely not there
❯ cat yarn.lock | grep aws "@pulumi/aws@^3.34.1": resolved "" aws-sdk "^2.0.0"
Two versions of the AWS plugin are required in my stacks fairly frequently. My current working theory is that it's because there are references to AWS resources in another project or stack, and the two projects / stacks have different versions of the plugin. This probably results in one stack needing two versions of the plugin, one for its own resources and one for the stackref'd resources.
Eventually, the other stack catches up and the issue goes away.
You can check for this case by exporting your stack, and searching through it for
"type": "pulumi:providers:aws"
. In the output properties of the same object, you'll see the plugin version. If one of them is different from what you expect, hopefully there's enough context in the nearby json to figure out the issue.
👍 1
Interesting, so I exported all our stacks and no luck. There's not a single reference with that version.