I can’t find how to run just regular task inside F...
# aws
I can’t find how to run just regular task inside FARGATE, any ideas where it’s hidden in the SDK? Thanks
Or if you’re using Typescript, there are some higher-level abstractions: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/nodejs/pulumi/awsx/ecs/#task-definitions
task definition doesn’t run the task itself what I understand
Ah good point, I see what you mean.
I can’t even find that in the console TBH, how do you get to that window you posted a screenshot of?
not sure that’s exactly what I need, @faint-table-42725 that approach runs task by using some trigger, itself task.run({ cluster }) doesn’t work from pulumi program.
I just ran into this last week. Didn't spend a lot of time looking into it but i didn't see an obvious solution, ended up just running the tasks outside of pulumi.
@icy-jordan-58549 There’s no built-in way to trigger a task from within the program itself. An alternative to my previous suggestion is you could use Automation API and then run the task using the AWS SDK after the stack completes.
Thanks for the reply! I appreciate that