Hi, I'm working with aws iot, using the TopicRule ...
# aws
Hi, I'm working with aws iot, using the TopicRule pulumi resource, and would like to configure something like the following (see attached image from the aws console): Multiple actions of the same type (in this example, a matching rule will send the message to two different sqs queues). The TopicRule resource in pulumi does not seem to allow more than one action of the same type (at least to my knowledge). Anyone know if that's possible in pulumi?
Pulumi allows the same constraints as Terraform, which is (afaik) everything that AWS allows.
In this case, could you have two TopicRules, with the same sql and different sns.targetArn values?
I could, but each rule invocation is priced so I'd like to avoid that.
Seems you are right about terraform, but as my screenshot suggests, AWS allows more for than one of the same type.