Is it possible to move resources to another accoun...
# aws
Is it possible to move resources to another account? I am using a specific role on my provider and I tried just changing that role to the role in the new account but now things are really messed up. It's now stuck trying to delete resources in the old account with the new role.
Do you mean, to a new AWS account? No. You need to create them there. If you mean to a new Pulumi account, then yes, you can move stacks between orgs / users.
You can do things like VPC peering to make resources in one account accessible to other accounts.
Yeah I mean a new AWS account. Oh that's unfortunate. Would be good if it didn't get this far and get so messed up.
This is what IaC fixes! 🙂 Imagine if you'd done it all by hand, using the console?
I guess I should have created a new stack but now I do have to go and undo all this mess by hand which is worse than just using the console as I also have to fix my stack state at the same time.
Yeah… I feel your pain. This isn’t really something Pulumi controls though, I’ve run into the same issue with Cloudformation, Serverless, etc. It’s just one of those things.