I guess this question came up before, but how can ...
# aws
I guess this question came up before, but how can I control the retention of lambda logs. Since Pulumi assigns the unique suffix to resource names (which I want to keep), I cannot predict what the log group name for the lambda is going to be so I cannot create it before hand and declare it as a manual dependency. Is there a way to accomplish this atm
AWS automatically creates log groups for Lambdas unless you create it yourself. To control the settings, create the log group yourself after the Lambda is deployed. Naming is something like
Wouldn't you be in a race condition with AWS or you would have to poll until AWS have created it? I am more in favor of creating it myself but then I would have to override pulumi's auto naming feature
You don’t have to override their autonaming, just have to create the log group right after the Lambda and use the name from the newly created resource.
We have a helper function that does it all for us
I see what you are saying. I was basically afraid of a situation where I am competing with the lambda itself creating that log group but I guess I can only prevent that from happening by denying it permissions
Yeah the log group isn’t created by AWS until the function is actually invoked