Hi, I get an error when pulumi is attemting to del...
# aws
Hi, I get an error when pulumi is attemting to delete a load balancer listener in aws: * Error deleting Listener: ValidationError: 'arnawselasticloadbalancingeu north 1XXXXXXXXXXXX:listener/app/some-service-name-alb/bf6319e86bd9f8d3/09d5f33c8ff235f8' is not a valid listener ARN status code: 400, request id: 38c77cac-dcce-4160-9ebf-bfbc2dd15938 I've checked, and the ARN is identical to what's shown in the AWS console. Any ideas?
Definitely correct region?
That might be the problem. I'm trying to change the region of a stack, so it has to create a whole new set of resources in the new region and delete the ones in the old region. But now that I think about it, it seems like I would be better of running a destroy against the old, then a seperate up against the new?
Well, you can provision them with a provider to tell it the region if you want, that might work
Might be a bit late for that, but thanks for the input. I'll look into it.