Has anyone successfully updated the entries list o...
# aws
Has anyone successfully updated the entries list of a ManagedPrefixList resource? Having issues with the versioning.
Copy code
* error updating EC2 Managed Prefix List (pl-05402b9da4effacda): InvalidParameterValue: The specified value for version is not valid. The value must be greater than (1).
        	status code: 400, request id: c0d7b1b0-272b-4a22-a290-31752d07e859
did you ever get this to work? I am having the exact same issue
In case anyone else has this error, there are workarounds. See https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/issues/1784 - the gist is you create the prefix list with no entries. After it is created, you add entries one at a time using something like `new ManagedPrefixListEntry(
,{prefixListId: <prefix list id>, cidr: ''})`