I’m not sure why I get this error: ``` Type ...
# aws
I’m not sure why I get this error:
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Type                       Name                                 Plan     Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack        outbound-proxy-sandbox.eu-central-1           
     └─ aws:ec2:LaunchTemplate  outbound-proxy-launch-template                1 error
  aws:ec2:LaunchTemplate (outbound-proxy-launch-template):
    error: aws:ec2/launchTemplate:LaunchTemplate resource 'outbound-proxy-launch-template' has a problem: Expected Object Type: Expected object, got string. Examine values at 'LaunchTemplate.IamInstanceProfile'.
I am declaring the object:
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const outboundProxyIamInstanceProfile = new aws.iam.InstanceProfile(`${appName}-instance-profile`, {
  role: outboundProxyInstanceRole,

const outboundProxyLaunchTemplate = new aws.ec2.LaunchTemplate(
    namePrefix: `${appName}-`,
    iamInstanceProfile: outboundProxyIamInstanceProfile,
  { dependsOn: outboundProxyIamInstanceProfile },
I can define it inline as an object… but then… lol…
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aws:iam:InstanceProfile (outbound-proxy-instance-profile):
    error: Duplicate resource URN 'urn:pulumi:sandbox.eu-central-1::outbound-proxy::aws:iam/instanceProfile:InstanceProfile::outbound-proxy-instance-profile'; try giving it a unique name
The _LaunchTemplate_'s iamInstanceProfile property is not an
. It's an inline object with fields arn and name.
So you want
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const outboundProxyLaunchTemplate = new aws.ec2.LaunchTemplate(
    namePrefix: `${appName}-`,
    iamInstanceProfile: {
      arn: outboundProxyIamInstanceProfile.arn,
      name: outboundProxyIamInstanceProfile.name
  { dependsOn: outboundProxyIamInstanceProfile },
🤦‍♂️ 1
Thank you for this!
So the only major blocker I have now is:
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* Error creating Auto Scaling Group: ValidationError: You must use a valid fully-formed launch template. Security group sg-024a9e83f1b59c229 and subnet subnet-90c3aaba belong to different networks.
        status code: 400, request id: f2e7928a-d319-4c5e-ade7-45a4ab5ab974
I’m confused about how to assign the correct subnet ids per instance.
Subnets and SGs are specific to VPCs. You can't put an instance in a subnet in VPC A and associate an SG from VPC B. Would that be the problem here?
Yes, in my case, I have one SG in VPC A, and each instance would be in VPC A, just a different AZ, so a different subnet. Are you saying I’ll need to create an SG per subnet in VPC A?
No. Just per VPC. SGs can be used by all resources within the same VPC.
Hmm, not sure why I’m getting the error then… the SG should be valid
What is "network" in the error message? I've never used ASGs / launch templates, so I'm missing a bit of context. Maybe for ASGs there's an additional requirement beyond same-VPC?
Can’t tell you right now, but I can get back to you tomorrow. That’s a good hint. Our VPC is using
, so it could also be related to that.
👍 1
I can’t see the networks in the diff. Any idea how I can get these?
I don't even know what "networks" means in that error statement.. which is why I brought it up 🙂