Hi all, getting some strange updates/diff when run...
# aws
Hi all, getting some strange updates/diff when running pulumi refresh that includes some RouteTableAssociations
gatewayId : undefined => ""
I'm using the automation api and the
flag which causes an error. Any idea what causes these properties changes? Thanks!
Might not be a change, might be a default value? That message says "it was unknown, now it's known to be empty".
Yup, thanks! I'm not sure why it wasn't initialised to an empty string when the resource was first created.
Have you done a
pulumi refresh
That often causes that sort of thing.
It's the refresh that's causing the issue with the automation api.
will throw an error if there's a diff
I've never been able to get expectNoChanges to work, at least not without 1. upping, 2. refreshing with no changes, 3. previewing and noting all the new differences, and 4. updating the code to eliminate the differences.
👍 1
I find that there's always differences between unset values and defaults, at least in the AWS resources...
👍 1
Just on this, https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/3569#issuecomment-568233415 (Older comment but I think its true) so, ignore_changes flag will not be used when the refreshing.