Hello! I'm trying to create an EKS cluster with a ...
# aws
Hello! I'm trying to create an EKS cluster with a managed node group and I want to pass some specific flags to the kube-api component, but it doesn't look like I can find the proper option / args object to pass those flags. Has anyone tried to do the same?
How would you do this in a typical EKS deployment? Typically I believe you’d specify a custom launch configuration with your own user userdata that brings up the kube components.
That's what I'm also trying to find out!
I think you’d do it the same way in pulumi. Note that in EKS you can’t control the api server itself
Yeah I was reading it's being deployed in a Amazon controlled VPC (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/eks-networking.html) But what I really want is to send some custom flags to it. I just can't find where to hook myself in order to do it
Basically I want to change these parameters: • anonymous-auth = "false" (true by default) • allow-privileged = "false" (also true by default) any some other flags
I’m pretty sure that’s not going to be possible if it requires a change to
, unless the EKS API supports those specific flags.