I am giving up on Codepipeline/CodeBuild and I was...
# aws
I am giving up on Codepipeline/CodeBuild and I was thinking to use concourse-ci as it's still the best CI tool I ever used in the last 5-6 years. I suspect there's nothing pre-baked such as https://registry.terraform.io/modules/telia-oss/concourse/aws/latest to deploy an instance in aws right?
I believe @limited-rainbow-51650 has done some work in concourse?
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@damp-school-17708 if you need Pulumi code to deploy Concourse itself, I canโ€™t help you on that. Within our company, we used the Bosh deployment for that: https://github.com/concourse/concourse-bosh-release But if you want to execute Pulumi from within your Concourse pipelines, I developed a preliminary first version of the Pulumi Resource Type for Concourse, based on the Pulumi Automation API, which you can find here: https://github.com/ringods/pulumi-resource However, this didnโ€™t have a lot of runtime yet. Please use it and report bugs back to the Github project. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ
Hey @limited-rainbow-51650 cheers yes you are like one of the few search results for 'pulumi concourse' on google so I did see your resource ๐Ÿ™‚ I might get concourse running on ECS, it should be quick enough to pull together some pulumi code to deploy it there
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From my experiecne AWS Code(anything) services are very limited and opinionated, if your use case is not exactly as described in docs you have very low chance of bending the service to your needs. Typical workarounds are different CI services or if you need to stay in AWS then Step Functions
@great-sunset-355 yeah I am kind of hating AWS Code* right now , sticking to it just because of no-time/people to move forward to something else , and I'll have to approve budget / find a good service (semaphore seems great) my lambda now is working fine, a pipeline that supports 'natively'/'officially' monorepos and this sort of project structure though would be more visibile and require no code to setup
I think that githu actions should be a good alternative as well, you can deploy your own runner in ecs or ec2 if needed