Anyone have insights into why pulumi may insist on...
# aws
Anyone have insights into why pulumi may insist on trying to update a resource that hasn't changed?
Copy code
~ ebsBlockDevices: [
          ~ [0]: {
                  ~ deleteOnTermination: true => true
                  ~ deviceName         : "/dev/sda1" => "/dev/sda1"
This leads to us having to manually go in and set up the instance each time.
Give me a sec... there's an issue around this...
👍 1
So check in the console to see what the root volume path is. It's set in the Ami, so you can't change it, but you can change the ebsblockdevice input path
The root device in the ami is /dev/sda1
Take a look at this commit This isn't the first time I've had this question