Hi everybody! I was wondering the best approach to...
# aws
Hi everybody! I was wondering the best approach to handle a
point in time recovery
with dynamoDB. I created a script to recreate a table using the aws-cli, but pulumi doesn't know the creation of the table. If I added into the code the new table, it will try to create the table and the only thing I need to do is to enable the
point in time recovery
. Can anybody help me with this?
So are you looking to create the table in the beginning and enable point in time or if you lose it, refill the table then enable point in time?
I have a table already with pitr (I created with pulumi) . If the table for some reason (a bad fix) mess up the data I need restore the table at certain time. I saw pitr, but aws says you need to create a new one.
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aws dynamodb restore-table-to-point-in-time \
    --source-table-name Music \
    --target-table-name MusicEarliestRestorableDateTime \
    --no-use-latest-restorable-time \
    --restore-date-time 1519257118.0
So the new table is created (outside pulumi)
And I need a way to tell pulumi that there’s a new table
So I can activate the pitr in the new table. I saw the pulumi import, but not sure if the right command to solve the problem. And Idk how to use it to Dynamo (there is only a s3 example)
I'm facing this issue right now. I'm creating a new table in dyanmodb (part of the
point in time recovery
) The table
(for example) has two properties in the creation (Partition Key
and a Sort Key
). I'm doing a
pulumi import aws:dynamodb/table:Table basic-table MusicTableMinutesAgo
and I'm getting this:
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all attributes must be indexed. Unused attributes ["sk"]
Is there a status regarding this situation? I saw an issue on github with the same problem https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/6690