Hello Everyone - I am trying to do `pulumi preview...
# aws
Hello Everyone - I am trying to do
pulumi preview -r
and i see it get stuck for some reason. How can i know what resource makes it stuck? how do i fix this issue?
Hi Yossi. using
pulumi preview --refresh
can take quite some time, especially if your stack has quite few resources. How many resources do you have? And how long have your waited ?
i have got over 550 resources. i came into office this morning and stopped/cancelled a deployment which ran all night long. something is stuck there and i cannot know what it is
@steep-sunset-89396 can i write my lambda implementation (the execution code in runtime) in TypeScript?
@steep-sunset-89396 thank you! however something is not so clear to me regarding the lambda function serialization: if i need to implement some function with a rather large business logic which i prefer to split into modules. Can i implement all of it in TypeScript while being sure that Pulumi will serialize it properly? I have been trying to do it but the deployment got stuck. Can you enlighten me regarding this issue?