Hi, how do I format a tag on a NodeGroup for EKS? ...
# aws
Hi, how do I format a tag on a NodeGroup for EKS? I believe I need to put
as a tag, but I can't see any example of how to do that with the Key -> Value pair
@tall-beard-99429 this is how I do it in typescript: https://github.com/jaxxstorm/pulumi-nginx-demo/blob/main/infra/index.ts#L52-L58
HI @billowy-army-68599, how would I go about using pulumi/eks with a custom provider? I have a provider because of an AssumeRole so I currently use the pulumi/aws
new aws.eks.Cluster()
@tall-beard-99429 the same way,
Copy code
tags: {
 Name: "some value"
See https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/aws/eks/cluster/
Ok my problem doesn't seem to be tag based then because I did that and it still fails with a NodeCreationFailure