Hey, does anyone have an example of `ClusterCreati...
# aws
Hey, does anyone have an example of
and how to use it to assume-role?
Anyone got any ideas?
I'm not even sure what that is - is that for an ASG? Or is for EKS? I can't find anything by that name in the aws provider
EKS, its in the EKS package
Basically, I want to create a cluster using an assumed-role, which when using the AWS package, I can do using
provider: <provider>
in the opts, but that doesn't seem to work in the EKS package
Hmmm I'm not entirely sure as I haven't used that package but you can follow along with the code here . It looks like there is some logic for determining which provider to use (whether via args or customresourceoptions). So that is the cluster constructor and then here is the constructor for the
so you can see how it actually makes that provider & role
@tall-beard-99429 I'd recommend searching terraform example as well since AWS provider sdk originates from that
Ok i think i have it mostly working, however it is giving me a 403 when trying to create the cluster on EKS, any ideas? The role has the correct eks:* permissions