Hello everyone, How can I validate so that it does...
# aws
Hello everyone, How can I validate so that it does not create the table when it already exists? My problem is:
Copy code
error: update failed


  aws:dynamodb:Table (test-db-dev):

    error: 1 error occurred:
Was this created outside of pulumi? if so you would need to import the state
I am creating the table with pulumi
Copy code
const attributes = [
    name: "id",
    type: "S",
    name: "testId",
    type: "S",
export const basicDynamodbTable: aws.dynamodb.Table = new aws.dynamodb.Table(
    name: "test-db-dev",
    billingMode: "PROVISIONED",
    hashKey: "id",
    globalSecondaryIndexes: [
        hashKey: "testId",
        name: "testId-index",
        projectionType: "ALL",
        readCapacity: 20,
        writeCapacity: 20,

    readCapacity: 20,
    writeCapacity: 20,
Then you don't need to validate that it already exists. That's Pulumi's job.
🙌 1
Pulumi is not imperative: the Pulumi code you write does not mean "create table with this config". It's declarative: the Pulumi code you write means "ensure this table exists and is configured this way".
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