Could I get some eyes? Pretty pretty please? I w...
# aws
Could I get some eyes? Pretty pretty please? I want to create an alias with the functionVersion being what it is now. Is there a way to fetch the current version so it doesn't get changed each time I
pulumi up
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const lambdaAlias = new aws.lambda.Alias("DEV", {
      functionName: routeKey + "DEV",
   // functionVersion: "1", // how do I get this to pull from the current alias instead of overriding with "1" each time I pulumi up?
(side note, our devops is going to change the function version outside of this project when we canary deploy, so we don't want it overriding)
There is no Pulumi-native way to do this. You would have to use the AWS SDK to get the information.
👋 1
how do I get this to pull from the current alias instead of overriding with "1" each time I pulumi up?
If I understand your scenarios correctly - I believe you can use
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const lambdaAlias = new aws.lambda.Alias("DEV", {
    functionName: routeKey + "DEV",
    functionVersion: aws.lambda.getFunction({functionName: routeKey + "DEV"}).version,
That's my learn for the day. I'm off home now.
😉 1